The new technologies in construction

The new technologies in construction Let’s be clear: The construction industry has been lagging behind in technological development. With a few exceptions, such as structural calculation programs, most techniques used for planning, scheduling, budgeting, and construction remain unchanged for decades. They rely on basic software support that performs operational tasks but fails to integrate different […]

Drones in Construction: Raising Standards of Efficiency and Innovation

Drones in Construction: Raising Standards of Efficiency and Innovation In the digital era, the construction industry has undergone a significant transformation thanks to the integration of advanced technologies. One of the most impactful advancements has been the widespread adoption of drones, devices that not only provide impressive aerial perspectives but have also become essential tools […]

10 advantages of keeping a well-organized record of construction projects:

10 advantages of keeping a well-organized record of construction projects The construction industry continuously faces challenges to optimize project efficiency and quality. One fundamental aspect to achieve this goal is to maintain detailed tracking of each construction project, using field management software that allows for a comprehensive visual and documentary record of the entire project […]

They have come to stay

They have come to stay. The iPhone, created by the company Apple and its founder Steve Jobs in 2007, revolutionized the world of telecommunications, transforming what was then a simple cell phone for making calls into a device capable of assisting us with countless daily tasks and keeping us connected to the outside world. Today, […]

Iceberg in sight

¡Iceberg in sight.! “Everyone remembers the famous story of the Titanic, the luxurious ship that sank on its maiden voyage from Southhampton, England to New York when it collided with an iceberg on the night of April 14, 1912. The drama begins with the famous warning from the deck lookout, ‘Iceberg in sight,’ at a […]

Technical photos at the construction sites.

How to take technical photos at construction sites. Turn your photos into a working tool.  “An image is worth a thousand words,” we’ve read this phrase many times. Well, when it comes to documenting a construction process, this certainly applies. With just one glance, we can gather many details regarding cleanliness, safety, quality, the construction […]